So this is me...

and my 1 year old little boy and my fab husband! They are my world...along with all the other imortant people in my life...but these two...yeah they keep me going! I *heart* them for sure!
So anyway here is my story...
Im a SAHM to my fun little guy and a wife. I used to teach elementary school to some sweet kids until my little one was born...then we decided for me to stay at home with him! I love it!
I have a creative soul...always have...always will. I like to make things, and think of things, and try to do things...and DREAM. I guess I dream A LOT!
When my little boy turned 1 I made his birthday invitations...they looked like this...

So far I've made tons of invites, announcements, and Valentine's Day cards! Check them out on my etsy page...
So this is me and my new little store! I hope soon we can work together to make someone smile with a personalized greeting card or invitation! Because iheartsmiles A LOT!!!