Monday, January 11, 2010

25 before 26!

As you can probably see (thanks to my cool widget over ---->) I am attending Style School with Elsie and LA!!! It was one of my awesome Christmas presents from my parents this year!!! So cool!

Something Elsie does every year is makes a list of things she wants to do before her next b-day! Cool right! So I've been wanting to do one for a while now...and well this morning...I did it!!!

Here is my list!!!

Since I scanned that in...can't really read it too I'll share some of my favs!!!

#1. Ride Rollercoasters!!! Haven't done this in a few years!

#10 Volunteer

#11 Learn to knit!!! (workin on that one right now thanks to Sarabee)

#17 Take Clay to the ZOO!!!

#18 See Eclipse

#21 Dave Concert (oh I HOPE HOPE HOPE this one happens)

So anyway...I think the first step to reaching goals is KNOWING what they are!!! Hopefully this list will help me reach those goals...

LUV YA & iheartsmiles


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